Dan sesungguhnya Kami telah memberi nikmat kepadamu pada kali yang lain, yaitu ketika Kami mengilhamkan kepada ibumu suatu yang diilhamkan.
(QS. THAHA:37-38)

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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Google Panda Gives More Opportunity For True Writers

Google Panda Gives More Opportunity For True Writers.Well, within these two weeks, many people are talking about the new algorithm made by Google Inc or which better known as Google Panda or Google Farmer. What’s new with this change? Is your website affected and sent it to nowhere? Don’t worry guys… This is only a beginning. Whenever Google made a change, there’s some part of the world feel happy, yet the other used to feel sad. Either those who practice SEO or not. And of course, it’s a very normal situation since no techology is perfect, right? For a short terms, let’s just wait and see.
However, according to my personal analysis, Google Panda gives more opportunity for true writers. I mean, those who love to write what they like, especially which write in a very long words, get so many benefits from this new algorithm. Why I said it so?
Here’s what I thought. One of my blogs, which has original contents and written with a very long words, get additional traffics although I never optimize it. Then another blogs, which has good traffic previously, dropped to sandbox and even deindexed due to short contents that might be caught as a spam blog by Google.
With this simple analysis, then if you’re going to gain more traffic at this moment, just focus to what you write. You don’t need to pay more attention on the basic of SEO but the content itself. However, I don’t know whether this condition is also valid to your problem. Yet it’s good to try. :D


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