The BlogSEO team has laid the foundation for our new project that we decided to call The SEO Jumpstart Guide. It is our collaborative attempt to help every novice, as well as an advanced blogger, to assess and optimize his or her blogging platform for a top-notch performance.
Blogging is no longer just an online diary; it has been accepted web wide as a great marketing and community building means. And since keyword competiveness will be important for many commercial blogs, they has to be designed and fine-tuned for crawlers as well as visitors to increase the chance of being well indexed by search engines. Our intent is to make our SEO guide comprehensive for people who do not poses any special knowledge of web design or programming, although some topics will have to be decorated with code examples and some tech lingo.
We will gladly accept any comments and recommendations from the readers. So, do not hesitate to contact us with your feedback. If you happened to be an expert on the subject and would like to participate in writing, editing some sections of the SEO Jumpstart Guide, we will gladly review your propositions.
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