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Monday, September 20, 2010

Beware of Bad Link Building Strategy

If we are talking about search engine optimization, directly or not, it will relate to backlink, either those which come from internal or even external page. However, I won’t discuss the internal backlink at this moment. The reason is that the good and the bad of internal link structure won’t give us any penalty from search engines unless we make over optimization. Right now, I prefer to warn anybody who love to use bad link building strategy as I used to do long time ago, that is blind blog commenting.

As I put on the title, just beware of bad link building strategy! Google’s new policy is really strength against webmasters who still use this kind of method. If we keep that strategy until today, I am afraid that sooner or later, our websites will be banned and penalized for several months or years.
Well, can you imagine if your blog facing such problem guys? Can you keep enjoy in monetizing your blog? No need to wait your answer, I am pretty sure that none of you will still enjoy because once our blog has been penalized, our traffic must be decrease extremely. And that means, whatever make money online programs we joined in, will never give us good return of investment.
For that reason, just rethink your bad link building strategy from now on. You must be blogging for a long term and not in a short, right? However, the choice is yours. Here I just need to warn and give a little advise.
Okay, that’s all for tonight and I will see you next time. Good bye!


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