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Monday, September 20, 2010

Why Do My Post A Little Bit Longer To Get Indexed?

This evening, I have a lot of spare time so that I can make a few trial to enhance mySEO skill. Firstly, and I believe some of you used to face it, is how to avoid the growing auto spammers blog on the net which cause our blog losing SERP or even not get indexed in the search engines. A few moment ago, I was trying to deactivate my feed in the hope the auto scrapper can’t steal my content. Unfortunately, I am a little bit too late. As a result, both my short news home page and my new single posts can’t get indexed well. If so, it needs a little bit more time.

WTF, that’s that I can say at this time. I just don’t know why Google still give a chance those who use bad way having better SERP. While those who really write with passion, just get listed in the blog search and not in general SERP.
May be some of you used to ask yourself like this. “why do my post a little bit longer to get indexed?” So far, I don’t know how to solve this problem yet. However, if you are asking what’s the main cause, it’s usually caused by feed scrappers. For that reason, if you want to prevent your blog from that issues, turning the feed off may help you for a while.
Unfortunately, that’s not the best solution because once you kill the feed, you won’t be able to get any traffic from blog search.
Before I leave, please forgive me for this bad story. I really got a head ache facing this situation. I may update this articles once I can write better. Ok, that’s all for today and good bye.


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