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Monday, September 20, 2010

Page Boss

Pageboss.com has rolled out their new version of basic analytical SEO tool. With the help of this tool website owners and those, who may be interested in comparing competitors’ sites, can request simultaneous ranking, page count, backlink reports from Google, Yahoo, Live Search, Alexa, and a number of other statistical online services.
The interface of this tool is very simple and easy to use. Reports are shown with highlighted links that will take one to the original data providers’ websites, where he or she can get more details. Page boss is available in four different languages: English, German, Turkish and Italian. If the service proves to be useful and its popularity grows, we can expect it many other languages.
This tool is free to use and is available without any registrations. It will fit the needs of most novice bloggers and webmasters by saving time that would be required to access all these online statistical services manually. If you have comments or wish to suggest similar online tools, leave a word or two at the bottom of this page.

source : Blog SEO


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